Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 2

Aww Blessed, our service doggy friend at work. I gotta say, when I saw her today I kinda knew this would be my bliss for today. Every time I see her I know it's obvious I get super excited, but the feeling inside is like I get lit up and am so so jump jump excited to see her. (Note the double enthusiasm) I even have to practice the virtue of patience because I do need to wait for Blessed to be given the "release" command before she can bounce over. And boy does she bounce. She comes over, offers her belly and I rub happily. One of the best relationships in my life. For the first few months I knew Blessed I knew her only as belly up dog. I'd see her laying down, greet her, she'd come over and plop, followed by belly offer. When I saw her walk down the hallway for the first time, I was so amazed because our relationship up until then had only consisted of "woof rub me belly please!" Seriously though, seeing Blessed is pure bliss. If I had a tail, it would be wagging too.

I was in the library when I ran into them. Anytime I see Blessed I get super giddy and doggy heaven high. Buuuuuut I didn't go looking for them today, so.....scoreboard please:

expected bliss: 0, unexpected: 2


  1. I like it when you rub my belly too! I remember when a little boy in Yachiyo asked me to rub his belly at nap time. He peed. Too bad I was napping right next to him. :)

  2. That was definitely your B-moment of that day!
