Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 25

Doggy bliss

Remember Miss Kirby from Day 18? I thought she had already been adopted, but she was not yet. So when I got to the shelter on Saturday I happily took her out. We relaxed on this bench for quite a while where she napped to her heart's content and I blissfully just sat and enjoyed the day. Later Kirby came to lay on me for awhile which was great. Until....

I noticed 2 strange stains on my pant legs. Finally realized she had her period on me!! This was a first. I went to a staff member and was told that Kirby will be adopted very soon and just needs the final procedure to get spayed. Ah. Kirby in heat = bloody pant leg for yours truly.

So I go to the restroom to try to scrub the stains out. Didn't do well on the scrubbing I guess. Looked down and saw that the scrubbing did however, leave me 2 hearts. Awww. Special I felt that afternoon trying to rid my pant leg of blood left from a doggy. :) Then moved on to walk other dogs. Took a little one, Justin, out for a walk. And he did this.....

Ripped my shirt! He was so excited by the smell of Kirby all over me that he full on attacked my shirt! It was ridiculous to the T. Chewed through my shirt, kept jumping up and down all over me, continued to tug at my shirt, and the final straw was when I saw the hole in the crotch of my jeans! *blush, blush* Sorry Justin, back in you go, you horndoggy! :)

Well, I definitely felt very desired that sunny 25th day!

expected bliss: 12, unexpected bliss: 13

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