Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 4

The perfect breakfast: spam, polish sausage and eggs

Actually, what you don't see that made the breakfast perfect was the company that morning for the meal. I went to breakfast with my cousin Diamond. Well, actually, that's her nickname. I am her Dallas. We've had a history of nicknames together. Take a step back in time: Pinky and the Brain. Pleasure and Divine. Now Diamond and Dallas. What made breakfast blissful was not just the yummy meat I devoured. (OMG I love eggs) but was the content of the conversation that unfortunately I should not blog, but trust me world, is fortunate for YOU! lol just trust me, it's a case of TMI. But there's nothing better than eating when catching up and reliving the good ol times! Bliss!

Expected bilss: 2, Unexpected: 2

Wow! A tie!

1 comment:

  1. For a brief second, I thought that maybe I was on the wrong blog... you know, because I did not know Diamond so well... :)
